running update Week 10 16 mile run #longestrunever! #painful

Week 10 of london marathon training. 56 days to the london marathon

#painful #toughrunningweek


7 miles completed  #fastpacerun

Due to #stormdoris my run became faster  due to the windy weather  however the impact on my left foot got quite painful. So had to rest till the weekend long run.

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16 mile long run completed at the weekend 26/02/17

This has had to be the most challenging and hardest run I ever done. The pain hurt and my left foot flared up mile 10. Got through a tough run and achieved my longest ever run!

The end result was a  well deserved piece of cake and costa #runtoeatcake

Next week will be a 18 mile run…… the meantime I am going to get my foot taped to support it and have some  sports physiotherapy.

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Total miles: 23 miles this week

#movingforward Top Tips

Since beginning of January 2017 my life went on a confusing journey where I have felt so ill but the result has been some changes. This video  made me see light at the end of the tunnel.  This post is about learning to close doors and take a new direction by moving forward.


After a 5 year battle of trying to complete a master’s course the pain and upset which came with it was not worth the impact on my well being at the latter part. I was starting to feel judged and not only had my confidence gone but I started to get low self esteem. I stopped running and loss interest in something I enjoyed; I nearly gave up my london marathon place.  My experience can be described as being on a roller coaster and I felt I was always ‘set up to fail’ as I had been labelled and judged/misinterpreted  the direct consequences was me believing that. This  is known as the ‘self fulfilling prophecy’.

Image result for if you judge a fish

The only way to succeed is to remove your self and move forward as the outcome is uncertain.  From doing this it is weight off my shoulders and I feel happy again. When your hitting a wall the hardest thing is to take yourself out of the situation as it is so painful however on the other side there is hope.




  • Make sure you have lots of #TLC by looking after yourself. How I coped with moving forward this week and will be continuing to do this.  This week I had my nails done and hot stone back massage.I even bought my own shellac kit as I will be ensuring I add some color to my life. Bright colors can make us feel happier!  You got to rebuild your self esteem again by pampering yourself


  • Talk to your friends this is very important however you need closure so try not to retell the narrative.


  • Pick a new hobby or reconnect to a old one and make new friends. I used to cycle but since returning to Uni I gave this up. I am interested in cycling to work and decided to set myself a challenge.look into evening course and try arts and crafts I am interested in doing a creative writing and art course check out your local colleges.


  • Physical exercise is important I enjoy running and this week I regained my confidence and have seen a significant improvement to my well being.  Set goals and personal targets. I have a training plan for the  London marathon it gives me structure and plan tick it off and it will make you feel you achieved something. I am also thinking of joining a gym and doing spinning classes.You get to meet people and have fun group exercise classes can be quite daunting but everyone been in that position when new.


  • I got myself a well being book from paperchase it incorporates  mindfulness and enables you to work towards goals. I am also getting a diary as I find starting afresh is good way forward so no memories will pop up e.g dates or deadlines


  • Look into having CBT cognitive behaviour therapy via NHS you can even do this online now yourself which allows you be in control and work around your lifestyle.  If you feel negative thoughts are imposing on you still. I find it sometimes helpful talking to objective person who does not know you consider some counselling. Sometimes if we do not deal with our  issues it can affect us later on in life sometimes we need to learn from our lessons and put it in a box. I find doing coloring helpful in relaxing and aiding anxiety. I also find doing a mindmap and putting thoughts to paper helpful as enables you to not carry negative thoughts.


  • I have planned  some breaks away I am going to Bath, london,  newcastle and Edinburgh. I am also looking into a holiday abroad as getting out in the sun is good for you and will make you feel better.


  •  Plan loads of adventures get outdoors more and enjoy your city put the laptop away.


Moving forward is hard and I hope to offer more top tips and advice remember it is okay to cry as it is part of the grieving process.

#week9 #13/02/17 #london marathon

As I commence week 9 I feel I regained my fitness levels despite a few extra lbs I am much more confident and happy which is an important ingredient in running. Bring on next week #week10 where it will be my longest ever run 16 miles. #excited #nervous

One thing that has made a difference this week is a new pair of trainers #brooks  from #plymouthfranksrunningshop  average about £80-£125 a pair so are expensive but definitely an investment.

Remember to change your trainers every 500 miles! I ran over 700 miles in mine and do not recommend it I noticed the difference. Since changing my shoes I can run better.


14/02/17 Valentines day  7 mile run #heartshaperoute

16/02/17 4 mile run

19/02/17 10 mile run – scenic coastal route with some fellow runners. #8amstart

Total miles this week =21

#restday #londonmarathondayoff #saturday #weekend

Today is rest day of my london marathon journey.

consisting of the following adventures planned………

#resting…….and more #resting  and most importantly having fun!

An important part of training to do a marathon is resting and allowing your body to repair.

@beyjess12 // Rest days are important in any workout or fitness plan! Take them correctly and feel your body recover.:

Since training to do a london marathon I taken this to a new level and interpreted  #restdays as it is okay to eat lots of food and #drinklotsofcosta and most importantly have lots of fun #lifeistooshort.

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't & believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it's be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. -Dr. Seuss:

10am start consisted of me running down the stairs  (which does not count as exercise) after a text alert from Amazon of my parcel is out for deliver. Despite being an adult a delivery of a parcel is like receiving a  Christmas present #excitement.


Camelbak 1.5 litre hydration vest arrived #camelbak #running #hydrationvest  ready for 10 mile Sunday run.

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My camelbak rucksack has arrived  priced at £54.00 which will have  long term health benefits. 1)  I will not die of dehydration running long mile runs  2) will not require medical support. 3) when your a runner you appreciate water during events. I always reflect on how lucky we are to have fresh clean water in the UK compared to other countries. Check out #wateraid

non-runners have questioned why I would spend so much on a rucksack; my response is this is not just a normal rucksack this is a magic rucksack……..(it is like all those magic handbags you have in your wardrobe) #obsessedwithrunning #shopping #camelbak

Product Review


  • Fits well being  short and petite
  • Will not die of dehydration
  • Can run faster now as better fit which means more calories burnt = more cake and coffee 🙂
  • Vest shaped – much more comfortable
  • Will not hurt back and shoulder compared to my last one
  • Adjustable so will fit me as I lose/gain a few lbs (too many charity cake sales)
  • It is a purple/pinkish so not stereotyping but is a girls best friend in running (I love pink/purple)
  • There some nice compartments in where you can store  sweets on long runs and Gels and additional water bottles.
  • It has a mobile phone compartment so means you can Facebook post and use with strava and possibly make a phone call on a long run. You could even have a selfie around the running route or listen to the top 40.
  • It is lightweight so you do not notice it
  • It does not make you look larger than life as not bulky
  • It makes you look like a professional runner so mentally you feel you can run 26.2 miles.
  • Carry’s 1.5 liters of water and in summer you can put ice in which keeps your back cool and lasts longer (2 for the price of 1).
  • Lifetime guarantee which is good but I don’t know how this will work when I am 65 years old and it breaks!


  • I do not like the color grey should of been completely pink and purple
  • The straps once done up can be quite long and piss me off but I will get over this quickly!

Overall I rate it 9 out of 10

Resting continues………..

To conclude my resting and chill out Saturday the adventures go onto the evening

7pm  #saturdaynight #alcohol

#chiquitos #prosecco #cocktails #food #cinema ‘fifty shades darker’

Image may contain: people sitting, drink, table and indoor

The conclusion to this post is rest on Saturdays (if working  choose another day) life is too precious step away from the laptop and get outdoors #TLC







London Marathon week 8 06/02/17

#runningforcharity #victa

Running for charity: Raised so far £1128.55

Two weeks out of running and back on track training and regained fitness levels 🙂 Thank you for everyone support  for getting me back on track.

Wednesday 8th Feb  2017

5 miles Peverell Ladder #hills #coretraining #interval


Sunday 12th Feb 2017

13.1 miles  half marathon completed (solo run)  scenic sea route around city

#longrun #hard #aboutthemilesnotthetime



Goal: London Marathon 2017 65 days to go

Total miles: 18.1 miles this week